Ordering Advice
To place an order you simply need to click on the plant you are interested in; this will open up a new page giving much more detail including size and number options together with prices. The default position is that the option is available unless shown as out of stock. Select the combination you require and click the Add to Basket button.Â
When you have added all the required items, check your basket, amend if necessary and proceed through the payment process.There is a minimum order value of £20.00. Once the order has been confirmed and paid it is not possible to change it. If you have made a major mistake then please let us know immediately and we will do our best to rectify it.
Plant size and format descriptions
This is our speciality and is by far the best value format. These plants cost typically about half as much as the P9 potted equivalent, and since potted plants still need to be knocked out of their pots and repotted into bigger ones, it really makes no sense to spend twice as much on them.
It comprises a plant of an equivalent size to that you would plant in a P9 to 1 litre size pot, which is a mature plant which can be expected to flower the same year if ordered at least a month before its normal flowering period. The actual physical size will vary greatly according to the species and the time of year, some plants are tiny (e.g. Anagallis and Baldellia), and others much larger, like reed mace and irises. I recommend that they are potted into a minimum of a 2 litre mesh pot; even larger for taller plants. Baskets for bare root plants need to be purchased separately; see Baskets and Sundries.
Bare Root water lilies are sold as equivalent to that planted in a 3 litre pot unless otherwise stated and should be planted in a 3 litre or larger pot. Some lilies are offered in smaller sizes and this is self explanatory.
These comprise typically 8-10 strands held together with a small lead weight strip, ready for potting or placing directly in the pond. Please note that the lead weight may be insufficient to sink the bunch and while they will survive like this for a long time, they are better potted up or at least submerged. Some oxygenators, eg Ranunculus hederaceus, are supplied loose, as they are too short to bunch. At certain times of year when some oxygenators are brittle they will be supplied loose and not bunched.
Floating plants like frogbit are sold as portions; early in the season frogbit plants are tiny and portions will seem small. Later on, once they get going, portion sizes will look more generous. All floating plants take up nutrients and provide surface cover, helping with the battle against algae, however please note that a single frogbit plant bought in June will not solve your algae problem on its own!
These are plants rooted and established in a solid black 8x8x9cm pot with label. This is a starter size pot and they will typically need to be immediately potted on into larger mesh pots, unless being planted direct into soil or gravel. I recommend using at least a 2 litre sized pot in most cases and generally prefer 5 litre pots to give stability and sufficient nutrients for a fast growing healthy plant.
These are delivered in 3 litre mesh pots with a label, and can be simply lowered into the depth appropriate to the variety. They are mature, rooted, flowering sized plants and will flower the same season, provided that summer is not already over! Moisture loving plants are supplied in solid pots without a handle.
Waterlilies are available in a variety of pot sizes, the most common and best value being 3 litre, which are full sized flowering plants. These pots have a handle and label and can be simply lowered into the appropriate depth of water. Smaller sizes may not have handles and may take a further season to flower.
Some plants are available in sizes other than standard, e.g. 2 litre pots or 5 litre pots. Moisture loving plants will be rooted in black solid pots of the size described. Marginal plants will be rooted in black mesh pots of the size described. Both options will be cut back for boxing and shipment if the plants are taller than the biggest box (about 90cm), new growth will soon be produced.
This book will tell you all you need to know about the design, construction and planting of ponds of all sizes. Crammed with useful information and plenty of helpful pictures, this guide will help you to avoid all the common and costly mistakes and create a successful and beautiful pond. Due for release on 6 September 2023 and available from all the usual outlets, a signed copy can be ordered direct from this website.
If you would like a signed copy please indicate this in the Notes box on the order form.
Customer Reviews
What Our Customers Say
Ms R W 26th March 2020
Thank you so much, our plants arrived safely today and we have put them in our new nature pond.
Great service and speedy delivery
Thanks again
Mrs D B May 2016
Thank you for my plants which arrived today {Wednesday}, they look fab and I will plant them tomorrow.
Mr W G 24th March 2020
I received my order of assorted pond plants today and as well as confirming delivery, I also wanted to thank you for the excellent quality plants.
I have ordered rootstock plants from another supplier previously and the difference between then and now is incredible. All of the plants you have sent me were well packaged, in excellent condition and extremely healthy looking. To say I am happy with them all is an understatement and I am now looking forward to them all growing well and thriving during the summer to come.
Many thanks
Mrs G P May 2016
Just to let you that I received the plants yesterday morning. All are
in excellent condition very clean and with strong root structures. I found the
advice on your website is really helpful. All are now planted up andin the pond.
Many thanks again for all your help.