Alisma plantago-aquatica (Water plantain) is the native species, this has spear shaped leaves with an airy flower head containing many pinkish white flowers. it is quite late to start into growth, usually towards the end of April. Larger insects like dragonflies favour this plant when climbing out of the water for their final moult into the adult insect. Often not available until late April/early May; if bought very early in the season it is very unprepossessing so be warned!
Plant max height CM | Planting depth cm | Flowering from month | Flowering to month | Availability from month | Availability to month |
60 | 0-20 | 6 | 8 | 5 | 9 |
From April to August, single bare root plants may only be available as part of a Pick and Mix pack or as a component of various other pond packs. Multiples of bare root plants, packs of three P9 pots and various larger potted options will be available all year subject to seasonality.
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