Butomus Rosenrot (Flowering rush) is is a sport of the species with stronger red flowers. I struggle to grow enough of it to keep up with demand, so it may only be available early in the season. Probably my favourite water plant, this makes stands of green foliage flashed with red at the base and large umbels of red pink flowers in June. This is another plant beloved of dragonflies; they like the round flower stems, up which they climb for their final moult into the adult insect. It’s hard to get this plant to perform well in small baskets as it needs to build up a lot of roots in order to produce the flowers, so it does best in rich mud and shallow water in full sun in a natural pond. For lined ponds use the biggest basket that you can, buy multiple plants and use lots of fertiliser. It is advisable to split and re-pot every season as the best bits will be those growing outside of the pot!
Plant max height CM | Planting depth cm | Flowering from month | Flowering to month | Availability from month | Availability to month |
100 | 0-20 | 6 | 8 | 4 | 10 |
This plant will be available mail order in limited variations subject to seasonality and stock. It is also available at the nursery in various potted options.
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