
Caltha palustris (Marsh marigold, Kingcup)

Caltha palustris is our well known native kingcup with masses of cheerful yellow flowers in early Spring and again later. Essential.

Our native and well known kingcup, this is an easy plant to grow in damp or wet conditions with rounded leaves and flower stems supporting multiple large buttercup-like flowers. If you cut them back as the flowers fade, they will produce a second and often even a third set of flowers in one season. One of the few plants that prefers a shaded position (not TOO dark!)

Plant max height CM Planting depth cm Flowering from month Flowering to month Availability from month Availability to month
30 0-10 3 5 3 11


Single bare root plants will only be available as part of a Pick and Mix pack or as a component of various other pond packs. P9 pots and various larger potted options will be available all year subject to seasonality.


1 x bare root, 3 x bare root, 10 x bare root, 50 x bare root, 1 x P9 pot, 3 x P9 pot, 1 x 1 litre pot, 3 x 1 litre pot, 1 x 2 litre pot, 1 x 3 litre pot, 1 x 5 litre pot


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