Cyperus alternifolius (Umbrella grass)

Cyperus alternifolius (Umbrella grass) is a very attractive umbrella sedge with large umbels of leaves and flowers on long stems.

Cyperus alternifolius (Umbrella grass) is a denizen of warmer climes than ours, so is only just hardy. It will still overwinter successfully outdoors in the south but is not suitable for cold Northern areas of the UK. Dark green stems are topped with umbrellas of leaves and sprays of brown seeds giving good late season interest. It’s slow to get going in Spring, so won’t look perfect if you order it early in the season, but will give good results in late summer and autumn and has a very architectural look. It doesn’t suffer the problems of invasiveness of the other hardy Cyperus species.

If you can offer frost free winter conditions, I keep a few of the true Egyptian papyrus (C. papyrus) and dwarf papyrus ( C percamenthus) too, please email for price and availability if you are interested.

Plant max height CM Planting depth cm Flowering from month Flowering to month Availability from month Availability to month
100 0-10 7 9 6 10


This plant will only be available mail order in bare root packs and 1 and and 3 litre pots subject to seasonality and stock. It is also available at the nursery in various potted options.


1 x bare root, 3 x bare root, 10 x bare root, 1 x P9 pot, 3 x P9 pot, 1 x 1 litre pot, 3 x 1 litre pot, 1 x 2 litre pot, 1 x 3 litre pot, 1 x 3.5 litre pot


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