Mr A H 4th September 2020

Dear Mr Kerr, My small order arrived quickly & safely yesterday. It is for a “pondette” which is a plastic planter of aboutb2ft.x14″!!. I am 84 & my gardening days are about over so as I wanted to put in an aid to the frogs, toads & newts which we have it had to be manageable from a mobility scooter. My daughter will install it for me.So, I regret I will not be ordering much more from you. However, I must tell you how impressed I am by your enterprise—your web-site is beautifully put together and your product range very good. Everything was very businesslike & informative. I was in business for fifty years and over recent years have despaired about the casual, take-it-or-leave-it attitude which has become the norm. I will certainly pass your name on to interested parties hereabouts. Thank you, . Best wishes & prosperity to you

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