Phalaris arundinacea ‘picta’ is a well known variegated variety of reed canary grass, often called Gardeners Garters, heaven knows why. It’s just as vigorous as its plain green relative and is apt to take over smaller ponds, but is again good in larger ones to provide dense cover. It does have clean variegation with pink streaks that lasts all season.
Plant max height CM | Planting depth cm | Flowering from month | Flowering to month | Availability from month | Availability to month |
80 | 0-10 | 7 | 9 | 4 | 9 |
From April to August, single bare root plants or single P9 pots will not be available mail order. Multiples of x 10 bare root plants, packs of three P9 pots and various larger potted options may be available all year subject to seasonality.
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